If you are interested in participating in the next Cohort of Transformational Coaching, please complete the linked form before January 15th, 2025. Preference will be given to those who wish to attend the entire program as enrollment will be limited to 16 places.
The cost of the entire program is $1500 ($375 per module), payable in two installments before January 21st and April 15th, 2025.
The fee per individual module is $400, payable by the following dates:
The entire program will be significantly discounted for 8 or more participants who apply as a group, as for example, to acquire coach education hours towards credentialing via the ICF Portfolio Track. Fees will be payable in two installments before January 21st and April 15th, 2025.
Refunds in full are available for any reason up to 14 days before the start of the program or individual modules; after that, refunds will be given only in the case of documented emergencies.
The Ministry Coaching Foundation is fully committed to inclusivity. We expect all students to treat their fellow participants/ faculty with respect and consideration, regardless of cultural background, race, gender, and other personal differences. We will not tolerate any form of discrimination either during classes or during other student interactions. Any complaints should be addressed to Dr. Elizabeth-Anne Stewart.
Your attendance will be recorded during each class, so the exact number of hours attended can be displayed on your Certificate of Completion. If you are habitually late or leave class early on a regular basis, the missed time will be deducted from your Certificate of Completion. There will, however, be opportunities to make up missed content on a case-by-case basis. Please notify your instructor in advance -- if possible -- if you are going to miss class, be late or leave early. Please note that students will need to attend Zoom sessions with their cameras on to be considered "present."
As a condition of acceptance to Tranformational Coaching, students must agree to the following:
1. To protect the privacy and anonymity of other students at all times and to refrain from discussing their behaviors, opinions, or beliefs without permission.
2. To protect the confidentiality of all materials supplied as part of the course and to refrain from using any copyrighted materials without written permission from your instructor, in compliance with U.S. Copyright laws.
3.To interact with classmates and instructors professionally, avoiding abusive language, derogatory comments, and overly critical responses.
4. To refrain from recording any class or online session, in accordance with Federal and State laws. Please note that instructors may record the course to facilitate student learning, but only after receiving permission from all course participants. These recordings will be for participant use only, and will be destroyed at the conclusion of each learning module.
5. To refrain from sharing the online teaching platform links or the contact information of fellow students with anyone not enrolled in the course.
The Ministry Coaching Foundation reserves the right to terminate a student’s participation in Transformational Coaching if the student:
1. Has consistent issues with tardiness or absences
2. Disrespects faculty and/or other students either in the class or outside class meeting times
3. Behaves unethically, as defined by the ICF Code of Ethics
4. Disrupts the class in any way
5. Engages in any type of harassment or violent behavior
6. Violates confidentiality
7. Undermines the program and/or the coaching profession